Richard Parker
"Faber Castell 9000 Germany B #2"
pastel, charcoal & ink on paper
30" x 44"
"Caran D'Ache Supracolor II Soft (red)"
pastel, charcoal & ink on paper
30" x 44"
"Koh-I-Noor #3"
pastel, charcoal & ink on paper
44" x 30"
"Faber-Castell Dust-Free #5"
pastel, charcoal & ink on paper
30" x 44"
"Artgum Design Sanford"
pastel & ink on paper
30" x 44"
"Stabilo #2"
pastel, charcoal & ink on paper
30" x 44"
"Mars-Lumograph 100 #2"
pastel, charcoal & ink on paper
30" x 44"
"Factis OV 12 #2"
pastel, charcoal & ink on paper
30" x 44"
About the Artist
Richard Parker’s drawings are exquisitely rendered portraits of objects more often used to create artworks than as the subject - pencils and erasers.
His pristine drawings are oversized and flawless in their design, including the marks of hand sharpening on the pencils. Erasers are shown in their unused perfection, speaking to that moment before the work begins and when all things feel possible.
Parker received his BFA from the University of Texas, Arlington and MFA from the University of Southern California. He has exhibited extensively for the past 40 years and his works are included in numerous private, museum, and corporate collections throughout the Unites States.